Monday, August 27, 2012

I once had this foolish idea that I could write poetry. Here's proof of that foolishness:

With Eyes Close, Visions Come
Earl T. Roske

With eyes closed, visions come
The day, the week, the month
Angry seas that rise up
Crashing like mighty waves
Upon the stoic cliffs;
The bulwarks of my mind.
Thoughts, twisted, swish and slap
Like torn and battered sails
No longer able to contain the wind.

Through the dark curdling clouds
Calming light comes upon me
And burst upon my mind
I am directed then
To a vision of you.
Calm winds and seas begin.
Thoughts point like a compass
Directing me clearly
And my eyes open to calm and to you.
A life of solitude on the web. It's like camping out with no one around. (Until someone finds me. Like an explorer, lost and alone, chopping their way through the undergrowth when suddenly ....)

So for the 31 plays in 31 days I thought I'd really just go ahead and shove a splinter under my fingernail. I did this by trying to write a play in iambic pentameter. Fool that I am. I did it. Sort of. But took hours. Lots more time than I should have wasted. But, in secret, I wish to write a one-act play in iambic pentameter. Well, I did until I wrote this short play. Hm. Here it is:


If I Were To Repeat Myself                                                                         by Earl T. Roske

(Lights up on Acacius, a dying gunslinger. He is alone)

                                                                        (Death enters halfway through sonnet and stops to listen.)
My life has gone down a path I'd not sought
Bushes of thorns I've often forced my way
Through at risk of penalties I have wrought
Reluctant yet knowing I'd see this day

Yet as the chill begins to creep from skin
To bone and the light dims on this bright day
If there had been another way to spin
The tale I've lived to turn a different way

Then perhaps my hands would be free from stain
Of powder and blood and the grime of death
I would not then be here my heart in pain
For all the hurt I carry on my breast

What I would do if life I could repeat
Things so different my ending would be sweet.

The choices you've made you bear to the end
Wishing and dreaming will change not a thing

I see that death has come to make amend
For making a puppet of my sad being
Keep your apology for someone more worthy

There's no apology from me made to you
You made all your choices made them clearly
So I have come to collect what is due

I have worked like the scythe there in your hand
Slicing a path marked with tears stained with blood
An unwitting tool reaping 'cross the land
Weeds of tombstones grow now where once men stood

If you thought your actions would earn reward
Truly little you know of who you are
Inside you are things you have yet explored

Explored I have done and picked at each scar
This is not the man I'd chosen to be

Yet here you are with your last sun setting
You're choices were yours they don't rest with me
I am not your fate, I am what's waiting
Within you lays choice the fork of each path
That which is in you guides your direction
It is the pen which scribes your last paragraph
I am the result of all people's action
Concern yourself not where blame is to rest

But my life is wasted, what might have been
Torments my last like some unwanted guest

You would have chose different if you'd foreseen

I would have I know it that I am sure
Violence is no life it brings only pain
Better to be those who strive and endure

But those ways were not the ways that you chose

They were not. I wish that things were different

And you would not be you if you'd become those

I'd be living if my life that way went.

Again, we speak of what is and what isn't
A past that's not and a present that is
This is the path the forks down which you went
Regret is just an anti-catharsis
Look upon your life as an adventure
Each human constructs their own direction
And at the end must find their own closure
Look and find a point of celebration
Embrace the bright embrace that which shines

Not all that I have done burns ugly black
That there has been some light and good at times
Perhaps my regret can be soothed and slacked
I die alone with no one to see me on
To remember my name and what I've done

I am here as my duty does beckon
In your last moment you are not alone
The faces of those you've treasured the most
Are there in your skull to ease the passing
Let them serve to you as if like a host

I die then knowing nothing is lasting

All men are nothing but a blink to time
A blink and the world you knew is quick gone
The dreams and the hopes pass with each chime
All fades away, the good and the wrong

Through the passage of time remains only I
For Death you all learn is the true constant
From the first until the end I'll stand by
For all through all time a passing I grant

I remember each that passes my way
Your stories I know and never forget
Till the last one has past, then on that day
I believe I'll know how it is to regret

For I'll be the last as death becomes death
None will stand beside me for my last breath


                                                                        (Lights down)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Alone on the page, I speak to silence because nobody knows that I am here, writing this. Someday people may come and see this relic. Or not.

I wrote a play based on a prompt. Not my normal preference. But it got a bit twisted and that worked for me. The prompt was a tennis racquet. It could have been written with the racquet being some sort of minor artifact in the play that didn't have a connection to the story line but served as a simple prop. I didn't want to go there. I wanted it to be relevant. But what? A tennis play? I don't think so. But, what if the tennis racquet wasn't a tennis racquet at all, but an antennae, disguised as a racquet, and what if that racquet belonged to an alien, who was your neighbor of 16+ years. And what if that racquet improved your game? (And why when I write "racquet" do I get the squiggly red underline? I've checked the spelling, it's right, but the computer wants "croquet" instead. Silly computer.)

Anyway, I wrote the play, my 24 of the 31 days project about two neighbors "not" talking about aliens on earth using disguised antennae to communicate with their home-world. I wrote it to ten pages because there's a play festival that I want to submit to. I just hope it's not to subtle for the readers.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dear Diary,
Today is the 22nd of this month of plays. The horizon is still to far away for me to feel safe. Is anyone safe.

Is anyone safe? As long as they don't read today's play. I floundered for an idea and not sure how that worked out. But it does have a beginning-middle-end. Not much change in the characters. Amusing. But only four pages. Others have been longer, and better to read. But, I completed the task. Here it is: (Though I know no one knows this blog exists!)

"Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String"                                            by Earl T. Roske

(Lights up on a yard. Upstage a front door with an obvious package on the step. Clive is downstage, near one of the wings. He's watching the door and the package.)

                                                                        (Entering behind Clive.)
Hey -- 


--  Clive.
Everything okay?

No. No, it is definitely not okay.

What's going on?

I think someone is trying to kill me.

Kill you? Kill Clive. Retired civil engineer Clive. You.


What could possibly give you that idea?


That? That's a package. Packages get delivered all the time.

With anthrax, bubonic plague, nerve gases, bombs!

Who would send you something like that? You've never done anything even remotely controversial in your entire life.

Remember that editorial I responded to in the newspaper. It was pretty scathing.

No one reads those.

Someone must have. Why else the package.

Did you think to check the label.

Oh, yeah.


No. Label. Period.


Just the brown wrapper and the string.

Hm. That is weird.

You see.

In our neighborhood. What's the world coming to.

No where is safe any more. Extremists know no bounds. No political, racial, religious, or team affiliation. People are taken offense with hand grenades. It's crazy.

So what are you going to do about that?

I was thinking about calling the police, but they might be in on it.

I've heard of stuff like that happening.

                                                                        (Phone rings in the house)

But I remember reading somewhere that you can neutralize most stuff with water. So if I soak it with the garden hose long enough….

                                                                        (Answering phone in the house)

You think it'll work?

                                                                        (On phone in the house)
Maxine! How are you?

I'm hoping it does. All we have are our own wits.

                                                                        (On phone in the house)
I haven't seen it. I'll check outside.

Nicole's coming.

                                                                        (Nicole opens door)

Oh, here it is -- 

STOP! Don't touch it!

                                                                        (To phone)
What? Oh, Clive and Herb are doing something. But the box is right here. Brown paper? String?

Sweetheart! It's a bomb!

                                                                        (To phone as she waves off Clive)
Well it's very thoughtful. I'll be sure to tell him.
                                                                        (Hangs up the phone. To Clive)
It's from your sister, Maxine? She dropped them off on the way to some pinochle tournament. They're your favorite: chocolate dipped macadamia nut cookies. Homemade. I'll put the coffee on.
                                                                        (Exits into the house)


Bomb, eh?

Not this time.
Cookies and coffee?

Sure. Love 'em.

Come on in.

You sure they won't explode when we bit them?

Ha. Ha. Herb. Ha. Ha.

                                                                        (They exit into house.)

                                                                        (Lights down)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

No one can hear me scream. Because no one knows the blog is out there. :)

I'm in the midst of a 31 plays in 31 days project. They are here. This was day 21 and I wrote a monologue.
Like all the plays I've written for this project I've sat down and started typing. Sometimes I've had a vague idea of what I was going to write, sometimes I had no clue what I was going to write. Several times it started with me typing: (Lights up on ...
Occasionally I had to go take a way part way through the play.
This is not my normal way of writing plays. I prefer to think about them, plan them, have way-markers to guide me as I go, and to know the final destination.
This experience has not changed my opinion on that. But it has shown me that as a brainstorming exercise to kick-start ideas, it's not bad; as an exercise.
So what follows is the monologue as I wrote it:


My Kingdom                                                                                                by Earl T. Roske

(Lights up on a roadside construction worker with his stop/slow sign, reflective vest, yellow hard hat, walkie-talkie, lunch box by his feet.)

Loot at ‘em. Lined up, waiting for my permission to proceed.
Stop. Go. Stop. Go.
It’s as if they have come to me, supplicants, seeking permission to enter the kingdom. And I as the gate keeper make the determination of who and who shall not pass. They’re they wait, eagerly watching – some of them with pleading eyes, especially those with small, crying children – for me to grant them passage.
Mine is a heavy burden, shouldered with modesty.

Yo! What’s going on? Send ‘em through! Send ‘em through!

                                                                        (Slowly turning the sign)
I see their eyes brighten with anticipation. Are they finally to be allowed permission to enter the land previously forbidden? Will the soon be continued on their harrowing journey?
Aye, in my benevolence I see fit to grant 42 of you passage. You may enter, continuing on with your journey.
                                                                        (Pause as he watches)
Look at them, sojourners in passage to new, adventurous places. Are there dragon slayers amongst them? Healer priests?
Apparently there are children with squirt guns.
Have a good day!
I hope he pees his pants.
Greatings pilgrims! Hello. Continue on your journey knowing that I have made this passage safe for your continuance. New places.
Further adventures.
As I remain standing here. Going nowhere.
How I would like to journey afar. Distant lands, new places. Adventure!
Yet I am staid by my duties. Slave to this responsibility. Girded only by the commands from above – and my PB and J sandwich. Potato chips on the side because if you put them in too early they get stale and moist. No crunch – anyway!

                                                                        WORKER (Cont.)
Girded only by what nourishment this bleak land provides while others proceed into the land of milk and honey.
Good journey to you all! Yes, yes, salutation.
I should abandon this responsibility. I should set out on my own quest. Broaden my horizons! There are people that need meeting, great sights that need seeing, road-side dinners with pies that need eating!
There’s a great wide world beyond this passage and yet here I stand, guardian. Alone. With only a brief glimpse of those who pass, eager for the journey ahead.
And I am left behind. Left to guard the passage.
Who am I to be fooled! They don’t seek me or my permission. They probably loath me and my staff. We slow them down, we impede progress. Adventure!
I am … a monster to them. I am Cerberus – minus two heads. Now, I am unworthy of such a moniker.
I am merely Charon with a free shuttle. Everyone aboard, just walk on my back there. Two at a time, why not. I am of no importance.

Yo! How many cars you sending through! We got a line over hear!

                                                                        (Swiftly turning sign)
Stop! You do not have permission to pass.
Yeah, I see the glares. “Why not me?” “What’s one more car!” “It’s always my bad luck.”
Bad luck is to serve the gods and not to be recognized for your efforts. You will be able to remove yourself from this land while I … I am planted here like some destitute tree of fate, forced to serve out eternity as a marker to this passage.
And what for? What importance could there possibly be that justifies this eternal damnation!

                                                                        (Cell phone rings. Something cheery.)

Hold on.

                                                                        (Fumbles with sign while freeing cell phone.)

                                                                        (Each line that does not follow a pause ends with him listening to short responses from his wife.)
Oh, hi sweetheart.
No. No. Things are good. No rain today.
Saw the cupcake, yes. Thank you.
When did that happen?
Did someone tell -- 
Right. Right. Uh huh.
The emergency room!?
But he’ll be okay?
Oh good.
Wait. So I get that at the drug store with the prescription?
Right. Wow. That’s not going to be cheap.
I know, I know.
They’re just kids, true.
Okay. Gotta go.
Love you, too.
                                                                        (Puts phone away. Stands tall and firm.)

The guardians duties are never for the weak!
We must protect the passage at all costs. Providing safety and guidance to the travelers that seek to go beyond this point. It is a difficult but noble duty bestowed upon few worthy men and women.
You are all my worthy flock, fallen to me to protect until such time -- 
                                                                        (turns sign around to let cars pass)
--  as I determine that it is safe for you to pass.
So continue, dear souls. Proceed through the kingdom and on to your destinies.

Yo! Where’s the --  never mind.

That’s right. Uh huh. That’s right.
Good journey to you dear travelers. Good journey.

                                                                        (Lights down)

Monday, August 20, 2012

(Lights up on a blog. Playwright stands, center, downstage. He is ... nervous, fidgeting.)

I'm here to share my stories.
(Clears throat.)
Excuse me.
I'm here to share my stories, prose and drama. Along with my thoughts about the self-inflicting torture that is writing.
(Holds out some sweat stained sheets of paper.)
Here. Have a look.

(Lights down.)