Tuesday, August 21, 2012

No one can hear me scream. Because no one knows the blog is out there. :)

I'm in the midst of a 31 plays in 31 days project. They are here. This was day 21 and I wrote a monologue.
Like all the plays I've written for this project I've sat down and started typing. Sometimes I've had a vague idea of what I was going to write, sometimes I had no clue what I was going to write. Several times it started with me typing: (Lights up on ...
Occasionally I had to go take a way part way through the play.
This is not my normal way of writing plays. I prefer to think about them, plan them, have way-markers to guide me as I go, and to know the final destination.
This experience has not changed my opinion on that. But it has shown me that as a brainstorming exercise to kick-start ideas, it's not bad; as an exercise.
So what follows is the monologue as I wrote it:


My Kingdom                                                                                                by Earl T. Roske

(Lights up on a roadside construction worker with his stop/slow sign, reflective vest, yellow hard hat, walkie-talkie, lunch box by his feet.)

Loot at ‘em. Lined up, waiting for my permission to proceed.
Stop. Go. Stop. Go.
It’s as if they have come to me, supplicants, seeking permission to enter the kingdom. And I as the gate keeper make the determination of who and who shall not pass. They’re they wait, eagerly watching – some of them with pleading eyes, especially those with small, crying children – for me to grant them passage.
Mine is a heavy burden, shouldered with modesty.

Yo! What’s going on? Send ‘em through! Send ‘em through!

                                                                        (Slowly turning the sign)
I see their eyes brighten with anticipation. Are they finally to be allowed permission to enter the land previously forbidden? Will the soon be continued on their harrowing journey?
Aye, in my benevolence I see fit to grant 42 of you passage. You may enter, continuing on with your journey.
                                                                        (Pause as he watches)
Look at them, sojourners in passage to new, adventurous places. Are there dragon slayers amongst them? Healer priests?
Apparently there are children with squirt guns.
Have a good day!
I hope he pees his pants.
Greatings pilgrims! Hello. Continue on your journey knowing that I have made this passage safe for your continuance. New places.
Further adventures.
As I remain standing here. Going nowhere.
How I would like to journey afar. Distant lands, new places. Adventure!
Yet I am staid by my duties. Slave to this responsibility. Girded only by the commands from above – and my PB and J sandwich. Potato chips on the side because if you put them in too early they get stale and moist. No crunch – anyway!

                                                                        WORKER (Cont.)
Girded only by what nourishment this bleak land provides while others proceed into the land of milk and honey.
Good journey to you all! Yes, yes, salutation.
I should abandon this responsibility. I should set out on my own quest. Broaden my horizons! There are people that need meeting, great sights that need seeing, road-side dinners with pies that need eating!
There’s a great wide world beyond this passage and yet here I stand, guardian. Alone. With only a brief glimpse of those who pass, eager for the journey ahead.
And I am left behind. Left to guard the passage.
Who am I to be fooled! They don’t seek me or my permission. They probably loath me and my staff. We slow them down, we impede progress. Adventure!
I am … a monster to them. I am Cerberus – minus two heads. Now, I am unworthy of such a moniker.
I am merely Charon with a free shuttle. Everyone aboard, just walk on my back there. Two at a time, why not. I am of no importance.

Yo! How many cars you sending through! We got a line over hear!

                                                                        (Swiftly turning sign)
Stop! You do not have permission to pass.
Yeah, I see the glares. “Why not me?” “What’s one more car!” “It’s always my bad luck.”
Bad luck is to serve the gods and not to be recognized for your efforts. You will be able to remove yourself from this land while I … I am planted here like some destitute tree of fate, forced to serve out eternity as a marker to this passage.
And what for? What importance could there possibly be that justifies this eternal damnation!

                                                                        (Cell phone rings. Something cheery.)

Hold on.

                                                                        (Fumbles with sign while freeing cell phone.)

                                                                        (Each line that does not follow a pause ends with him listening to short responses from his wife.)
Oh, hi sweetheart.
No. No. Things are good. No rain today.
Saw the cupcake, yes. Thank you.
When did that happen?
Did someone tell -- 
Right. Right. Uh huh.
The emergency room!?
But he’ll be okay?
Oh good.
Wait. So I get that at the drug store with the prescription?
Right. Wow. That’s not going to be cheap.
I know, I know.
They’re just kids, true.
Okay. Gotta go.
Love you, too.
                                                                        (Puts phone away. Stands tall and firm.)

The guardians duties are never for the weak!
We must protect the passage at all costs. Providing safety and guidance to the travelers that seek to go beyond this point. It is a difficult but noble duty bestowed upon few worthy men and women.
You are all my worthy flock, fallen to me to protect until such time -- 
                                                                        (turns sign around to let cars pass)
--  as I determine that it is safe for you to pass.
So continue, dear souls. Proceed through the kingdom and on to your destinies.

Yo! Where’s the --  never mind.

That’s right. Uh huh. That’s right.
Good journey to you dear travelers. Good journey.

                                                                        (Lights down)

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